VerseOne renews ISO9001 accreditation for 11th year running
VerseOne are proud to announce that we have successfully passed our ISO9001 accreditation with a grade 1! This means we passed all compliance measures with a 100% success rate – no recommendations, no suggested improvements.
This marks 11 continued years of accreditation and compliance, and is exemplar of the standards to which we hold ourselves and the quality of work we continue to deliver day in and day out, year after year.
ISO9001 is a globally recognised standard for quality management and re-affirms our continued commitment to providing our customers with the highest quality of care and support across all areas of our business from product development, sales, delivery and ongoing support and maintenance.
With this certification, we can continue to help organisations in the NHS and social housing sector to deliver enhanced employee and customer experiences, using digital solutions that provide the integration and personalisation needed to drive operational efficiencies and invigorate their services.
Thank you to everyone in the VerseOne team for their work in achieving this accreditation, and for upholding a level of service for our customers that not only aligns with our core values, but benefits the sectors we work in both now, and in the future.
To find out more about how our ISO9001 and ISO27001 certification help us deliver market leading solutions, get in touch today.