Testimonial - Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

All of your team have been amazing, they’ve been so flexible to our ideas and have quickly reacted to any issues along the way, it’s a pleasure working with them
Charlotte Burton - Head of Communications
Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust - Website
RD - Testimonial - RD&E

I just wanted to write to you to say a huge thank you to and your team for all the work that’s gone into launching our new intranet.
We’ve received nothing but excellent customer service from your team, and for that I’m very grateful.
Becky Parry - Communications Manager
RD&E - Intranet
RD - Testimonial - Cornwall

Always accommodating to all requests, thank you.
Karen - Communications
Cornwall - Website and Intranet
Testimonial - Barts NHS Trust

We run both our website and intranet through the VerseOne CMS. It offers flexibility and control over content and reduces work when publishing to multiple platforms, we’ve found the team responsive and flexible to work with.
Megan Skinner - Head of Engagement
Barts NHS Trust - Intranet
RD - Testimonial - Hillingdon

‘It’s brilliant and smooth operating….everyone here is very happy!’
Lucy Wills - Digital Comms Manager
Hilling Hospitals - Website
RD - Testimonial - Nelft

The service from you all is always outstanding!
Mandy Daisley - Head of Communications
NELFT - Website and Intranet
Testimonial - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT)

The new site is so much more accessible, engaging, and mobile-friendly, and we can also share content through social media. We are getting closer to the website our patients and carers say they want.”
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust - website