Infographic: Making your website accessible for all | News

Infographic: Making your website accessible for all

Person on video call using British Sign Language (BSL)

With 24% of the UK population being registered as living with a disability, keeping accessibility front of mind when creating online content or building a websites user journey is imperative to providing fair and equal access to your services.

To help housing providers implement tools and functionality that ensure accessible digital experiences for all, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) have created the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (also known as WCAG). These are a set of internationally-recognised recommendations for improving web accessibility, that provide different levels of compliance based on a set of criteria.

The digital landscape offers a variety of tools that ensure compliance with these guidelines, and for a lot of housing providers, making online and digital experiences more accessible is easier than you think. In this infographic we share statistics around the top accessibility testing failures across websites in the UK, as well as solutions to help overcome non-compliance with the WCAG guidelines.

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