Celebrating success: SWLSTG launches their cutting-edge website! | News

Celebrating success: SWLSTG launches their cutting-edge website!

View of South West London & St. Georges Mental Health Trust building from the outside

This week, we’re proud to announce that South West London & St. Georges Mental Health Trust (SWLSTG) have launched their new website!

SWLSTG’s new website was part of a bigger project that involved delivering websites for Oxleas, SWLSTG and South London and Maudsley NHS Trusts. They saw the need to implement a responsive and intuitive website, that was not only compatible for desktop, but provided and enhanced experience on tablet and smartphones, for users in any location. They outlined a core set of objectives that would enable them to:

  • Develop a digital presence superior to other Trusts in the region
  • Position the Trust as a forward thinking, tech embracing organisation
  • Create a consistent user experience across their digital presence
  • Consolidate their full web estate under one governance model and platform/CMS

At the heart of this accomplishment is a dynamic team that worked tirelessly to bring the project to life; this really was the definition of a true team effort. The culmination of which reflects in a responsive and intuitive website that positions SWLSTG as a digital innovator within the NHS, fostering a consistent user experience that they can truly be proud of.

We love it when a successful project comes together, and we want to thank everyone from the SWLSTG team for their contribution in bringing this to life.

If you’d like to take a look at their new site, you can do so here: https://swlstg.nhs.uk/

'The Go live went well and thank you everybody for your help.'

Anna Babich, Web Content and Digital Curation Manager