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Social Housing Transformation Roundtable

Event types

  • Social Housing
  • Online


As a Registered Provider, do you really need to know certain DE&I information to provide an excellent service for your customers? The Regulator thinks you do... But they've also been consistently unclear around what this really means and what data actually needs to be collected. This lack of clarity and the resulting worries for Senior Leader was a key topic of discussion during our latest independent Social Housing Senior Advisory Board.

We're taking the thoughts, challenges and solutions shared by Senior Leaders (who between them manage over 250,000 stock) at our recent meeting and opening the conversation to the rest of the sector during our Social Housing Transformation Roundtable on Wednesday 19th March from 10:00am - 12:00pm. During this peer-to-peer session, we'll be sharing the overwhelming insights we've been hearing recently in the sector, as well as from Senior Leaders at our Senior Advisory Board Meeting, around things like improving TSM scores, data governance and using self-service and AI to drive operational efficiencies.

The aim of the session is to address key business challenges and empower sector professionals walk away with tangible tactics they can implement today. The key focus of the roundtable is ' Business transformation in Social Housing:  How self-service, automation and AI is driving process and operational efficiencies in the sector' and we we'll share expertise from around the room to summarise three key points to formulate an answer for the following three questions:

  • How can you improve TSM scores through self-service and better tenant engagement?
  • What operational efficiencies can drive you through automation and AI?
  • How can you use cultural change to achieve data governance?


After the session, we'll be taking these questions (and the ways to solve them as suggested by the group during the session) and producing an infographic to give you the tools and tips you need to drive business change within your organisation.

This is an invite only event, but you can register your interest to attend by completeing a quick form using the button below.

Click here to access the on-demand webinar

Event details

    • Date & time

    • Location

      Virtual meeting

    • Places

    • Price

      £ 0.00
    • Due date