Centre for Accessible Environments website goes live! | News

Centre for Accessible Environments website goes live!

Centre for Accessible Environments

We are delighted to announce that the Habinteg Housing Association redesign of their Centre for Accessible Environments (CAE) website which is currently hosted by VerseOne and built on a WordPress platform has now gone live! 

Habinteg Housing Association is a registered social housing provider with 50 years’ experience building and promoting accessible homes and communities, who own and manage more than 3300 homes and operate in 86 local authorities across England and Wales

The current website was built by a third party previously, it is now dated and doesn’t meet the requirements of the CAE team. It was deemed that a new fresh design was required which incorporates the functional needs of the service users, as well as the accessibility standards. Redesigning the website will give the CAE team the ability to make changes independently bringing it up to date and becoming more user-friendly.

Please visit the site re-design here:



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