Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Intranet has launched | News

Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Intranet has launched

VerseOne is delighted to announce the launch of the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Intranet.

The need for a new Intranet arose from a merger between Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust and  Northern Devon Healthcare Trust. The new Intranet will serve over 15,000 users and they wanted a single engaging intranet that is focused on staff needs and accessed from any location or device. VerseOne worked closely with the team at RD&E to create an engaging design through digital discovery workshops ensuring that the brand was translated to the new Intranet.

The website manager James Rowles said - “I love the VerseOne CMS, I can see it is very powerful and I can’t wait to get into it more and more...