Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals (ESTH) integrated care | News

Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals (ESTH) integrated care

As the existing provider of their integrated digital platform encompassing both website and intranet, VerseOne is delighted to announce that the Epsom & St. Helier University Hospitals Trust (ESTH) has extended its online capability to develop the new Surrey Downs Heath & Care microsite.

The past year has seen ESTH establish a multidisciplinary community care service in partnership with SCH Surrey (formerly Central Surrey Health), Dorking Healthcare and local GP federations - with the aim of maximising the efficiency of community resources in order to prevent or defer hospital admissions wherever possible.

The success of the project therefore depended on the provision of a robust, Accessible website where members of the public can find the information and services they need regardless of their level of internet use or the device used for access. For this ESTH already has the ideal digital partner in VerseOne - a longtime champion of web Accessibility protocols as well as the provider of market-leading digital solutions to over 40 NHS Trusts nationwide.

ESTH has been able to maximise its existing digital investment in the unified VerseOne CMS platform and ensure their new Surrey Downs Health & Care is fully integrated with their key corporate systems in a COPE (Capture Once Publish Everywhere) environment. As well as driving efficiencies, the ESTH can easily keep control of vital information governance by maintaining all its mission-critical documents in a central repository - meaning both the staff and the local community are accessing accurate and up to date information they know they can trust.

You can browse the new site here:


VerseOne Group is delighted to have worked on this important and valuable project. In further strengthening our relationship with our valued customers such as Epsom & St. Helier University Hospitals Trust we continue to fulfil our mission statement of using technology to make a tangible and positive difference to the lives of Clinicians, Staff and the Patients within the NHS.